Share your biggest Shift on this number +32.471.76.82.58
Let’s inspire this community together! Here’s how to do it…
a shift is a wake up call!
We Shift wants to offer you to directly become a part of the adventure as Shifters. On this page, you’ll discover how to film and send us your Shift.
We invite you to send us a short 3/4 minutes video on a powerful Shift in your life that has allowed you to become the person you are today! The intention of this community built by and for you is to create a kindness spike by inspiring each other with our authentic life stories while helping those who are going through these processes in their lives right now.
We’re looking forward to getting to know each other by sharing these powerful Shifts that we have all experienced at least once in our lives.
Get inspired and see you soon.
Guidelines and questions to help you film:
Just look up and wonder about your Shift…, that famous trigger that allowed you to become the person, or the collective, that you are today. It is possible that you have already experienced several, but deep down, which one has marked and transformed you the most?
In what context and environment were you?
In nature, in a house, in a building, on a trip, in a team building, on the go?
Were you in front of a piece of art, at a concert, watching a film or at a festival, at a restaurant, while working out?
Who were you surrounded by?
With family, friends, colleagues, with strangers?
What happened during your Shift?
Did you just hear good or bad news?
What were you telling yourself at the time?
What did you hear?
How did you feel?
What happened after your Shift?
What did you learn about yourself from this life process?
How has it transformed you today?
What are the lessons you integrated from it?
Just be yourself: authentic, powerful and vulnerable while keeping in mind 3 to 4 minutes.
Before shooting with your phone or camera:
Show up in a beautiful place that matches and resembles you and in which you feel good. Maybe consider using a tripod to make sure the image is stable and film yourself in a calm environment so that the sound is as clear as possible.
Before recording, start your video with “My name (name + surname) is… and my Shift is…” or as a collective “We are (name of company or collective)… and our Shift is…”. We invite you to end your video again with “My name (name + surname) is… and my Shift is…” or as a collective “We are (name of the company or collective)… and our Shift is… ” which is We Shift’s signature and is therefore the fundamental rule to respect if you want to be published.
Feel free to unveil your story creatively while keeping some clarity in mind.
If you use a microphone for iPhone or Android, you’re on fire!
In order to keep your message authentic, the We Shift team pledges not to edit your video. If you wish to be published, it’s up to you to be attentive to the human values that bring us together, namely: respect, tolerance, gratitude, empathy and compassion. By sending us your video, you agree that your image may be publicly posted and on our Instagram account, to launch the movement together.
Before sending it to us:
Congratulations, you're almost there! Before sending us your Shift, consider taking a little perspective on your story.
Do you agree with what you are sharing and are you prepared to testify publicly?
Your inspiration will help a lot of people. That’s why you’re making this video! Take pride in being who you are today. It’s because of you and what you have brought into awareness today to be able to talk about it that you’ll inspire others to do like you.
By sending us your video, you agree that your image may be publicly posted and on our Instagram account, to launch the movement together.